Saturday, March 7, 2020

January Jangle

Dale started out the New Year by going ice fishing. He took our neighbor, Dave Rayfield, and two of Amie & Matt's kids, Jaxson and Langston, out to Hyrum Dam. It was a bit chilly, but the fishing was good and they came home with enough fish for a couple of meals that were really quite tasty.

 He also took Garrett, Zandra, Jorie and Luke fishing at Hyrum Dam on a nice sunny day and the kids caught (with the help of Grandpa and Garrett) ALL the fish! Dale let them take the fish home that they caught so they could eat them. The kids loved fishing with Grandpa.

Then he took Matt, Mazin, and Langston on the ice. It was another nice day and they all had success. Hyrum Dam is their new favorite spot. Langston and Mazin loved going fishing and ate the fish Grandpa cooked up for them. 
I’d say ice fishing with Grandpa is going to become a tradition in January. Who knows, maybe next year I’ll buck it up and brave the cold and join them.

Dale and I made use of our USU Aggie Men’s Basketball season tickets we gave each other for Christmas and went and watched them play against San Diego (which they lost), Nevada, and Air Force (which they won). The team is fun to watch, and makes for a great date night as well.

I helped finish up our winter testing for all the Elementary Schools in the District with the Acadience team. It won’t be until April before I go at it again. It’s another reason I enjoy my job, it's not full-time.

The Eccles theater had some pretty awesome shows this month that I was able to usher. 
one was “Beautiful” The Carole King Musical, which tells the story of Carole King’s life. It was amazing. I grew to love her music even more. 

Then I helped with a matinee show for some of the schools in the valley. It was for Black Violin, two guys that play a lot of different types of music on violins. They have a guy on the keyboard and drums as well, and they really get the crowd into it. The kids loved it. It was a fun show.

I also served in the temple in the Clothing area (which I do weekly now) and in the Youth Center watching a cute 3 month old be sealed to her parents. Not a bad way to help fill up a few days in my eyes.

Dale went to the annual UASBO Conference at Little America in Salt Lake with the School Board and I tagged along as his guest (and wife). I went to some of the sessions with him and got to hear our very own Green Canyon High Schools Symphonic Orchestra. They put on a very impressive showing. Made us proud to say they were in the Cache County School District. I also did some catching up on my blogging, chilled around the hotel, went to a lunch, a couple of dinners with the group, and visited with the great spouses of the board members. It was a nice relaxing weekend, one I look forward to every year.

The Married Student ward that Dale serves as the Bishop in had a Winter Extravaganza and went sledding down USU's Old Main Hill. They also served hot chocolate and Johnny O's Spudnuts. There wasn't a very big turnout, and the snow wasn't the greatest, but they had fun and the sun was shining. It's been a good experience serving with these great couples.

Besides working and taking on more patients, Nate got his outdoor fix by going ice climbing a couple of different weekends. He went up Marble Canyon and did some in the British Columbia area. Both pretty areas, and done in good company. 

The Mallory’s joined up with us for New Year’s Day. After the guys got back from ice fishing they came over and we had dinner and played games.
Amie had surgery on her ankle and all went well but, she can’t be on her foot for six weeks. I’ve been going and helping out with household chores around the house and stuff. Mazin and I have had a chance to bond again.

Amie celebrated her 35th birthday this month. I hope the rest of this year goes well for her.

Jaxson and Kennlyn are both hitting the hardwood on the court and improving on their game. Amie’s still coaching Jaxson’s team. 

Kennlyn’s also been playing indoor soccer and improving her skills there too. 

Lindsay celebrated her birthday this month as well. Andrew cooked up a nice dinner and invited Dale and I over for a taste and to play games to celebrate. We wish her a great year.

Andrew’s gotten himself, Lindsay, and the kids out on the mountain skiing as much as they could at Cherry Peak or Beaver Mountain.

They bought a Chevrolet Suburban to give them a bit more room for the kids with two in car seats. Lindsay’s been used to driving the bigger vehicles, so this step up wasn’t to hard to get used to. It’s just a bit tricky getting it to fit right in the garage at times, but with practice she’ll have it down.

For the long weekend because of Equal Rights Day, they loaded up their new ride and headed south for warmer weather. St. George warmed them up as they hiked around the rocks, and in a slot canyon. They also found some dinosaur tracks and rode on a train while there. Sunshine’s good for the soul.

Garrett and Zandra also got the kids on the mountain as much as they could at Snow Basin. Jorie’s got it down pretty well, and Luke’s on his way to soloing it down the mountain. 

With help from Andrew and Lindsay, Garrett and Zandra were able to get away for a little ski trip of their own as well.

Garrett also decided to start checking off his bucket list and took an introductory airplane flight to see if he wants to learn how to be a pilot of a small airplane. He loved it, but juggling that with work, and family may be the trick. Time will tell.

Danica's expanded her artistic talents and drew some animals for a nursery and houses with the family that lives in it standing by it. She’ll be staying busy I’m sure because people are loving the look, especially the Realtors that they work with through Guild Mortgage.

Jason and Danica have been taking advantage of Utah’s greatest snow on earth as well this month and getting the most out of living close to the mountains. Snow Basin treats them well.

To get the both of two worlds they headed south as well over the Equal Rights Holiday weekend and spent some time on the golf course and among the red rock on the razor. 

Our US Government of the House of Representatives voted to Impeach President Donald Trump over some dealings he had with the Ukraine so they have been dealing with that most of the month. It's been kind of a weird deal the way the Democrats and the Republicans are so divided. I'm not sure who I believe in all this. It's kind of not good timing either, because elections are starting up full swing. Time will tell how this all plays out.

This month the world also lost a famous NBA star, and his daughter in a helicopter crash. They also had the pilot, a couple and their daughter, a team-mate and mom, and another of his daughters friends. They were all going to a basketball tournament that the girls were playing in and Kobe was coaching. It was a somber day in the sports world and for these families that lost love ones. My heart hurts for all involved, they were all too young

In the end, we've all had our own way of ups or downs this month getting in some of those things we enjoy doing, getting caught up a bit more in the politics, and feeling the loss of a basketball great.  Life happens but life is good.

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