Wednesday, November 6, 2019

October Oddity

Celebrate and real cold might be the theme for this month.

Danica officially turned into an adult this month. At 26, she can’t be on our insurance anymore, so she’s now one her own. The joys of having birthdays.

Happy 26th Danica!

Dale and I celebrated the union of two of our friends-- Kathy (Fishburn) and Mike Bullen, who got married last month, and had a family and friends dinner and open house to celebrate this month. It’s nice to see them both happy.

Dale’s mom gave us a bit of a scare. Her heart rate and her sugar levels went up way high. She ended up going to the ER a few times and then spent some time in the McKay Dee Hospital and Logan Regional Hospital. They decided that the medication she was taking for her heart needed to be changed and that she needs to have a pace maker. She got moved into the area where she has a higher level of care at the place she’s living. They’ve been good to monitor her vitals and help her with some physical therapy. She’s holding on and the doctors love her fun personality.

We were able to help her celebrate her 88th birthday with the family. Happy Birthday Mom and Grandma!

Dale and I got the yard ready for winter with some much appreciated help from the Mallory clan just before the weather took a few turns and winter showed it’s face a lot earlier this year! 
We had sun, rain, snow and record lows this month. Up Logan Canyon, in the Peter Sinks area, it got to -46 degrees, an all-time low for the nation.  On the USU Campus they had a reading of -8 degrees, breaking a record low made in 1917. Crazy!!

Dale and I took time and listened to General Conference. We were able to hear most of the sessions. We went to the Women’s Session together (he's the Bishop in a Married Student Ward, so he could go), and at the end of it Pres. Nelson announced eight new temples to be built: in Freetown, Sierra Leone; Orem, Utah; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea; Bentonville, Arkansas; Bacolod, Philippines; McAllen, Texas; Cobán, Guatemala; and Taylorsville, Utah. 

It was pretty cool to have him announce this in the women’s session, something that’s never happened. 

Pres. Nelson, also shared that there would be changes in policy regarding who may serve as witnesses to baptism and sealing ordinances. 

  1. A proxy baptism for a deceased person may be witnessed by anyone holding a current temple recommend, including a limited-use recommend.
  2. Any endowed member with a current temple recommend may serve as a witness to sealing ordinances, living and proxy.
  3. Any baptized member of the Church may serve as a witness of the baptism of a living person. This change pertains to all baptisms outside the temple.

Then Pres. Nelson announced that changes would be made in how the Youth Programs would be ran to go more along with the adult classes. 
Follow the prophet, he knows the way!

Dale and I went to The Four Season’s production of “Freaky Friday” at Sky View High School. Our neighbor, Sam Ercanbrack, was in the show and we didn't know it until we looked at the program! (He's the third guy in the back on the right, pulling the funny face) It was a fun evening. They put on good family friendly shows.

 I started serving in the clothing rental area of the Logan Temple weekly this month. I still serve with Jan Croshaw, but at a earlier time. When I need to be gone for work, she’ll just serve alone, or get a sub if she needs to. I’m glad they let me stay on, I so enjoy serving in the temple.

I was able to serve in the Youth Center and watch a 2yr. old who had been in foster care with the couple that adopted him since he was a month old. He was adorable and what a great family he became a part of. The spirit was so strong during the sealing. 

I ushered for the Ballet of Anne of Green Gables at the Eccles. A ballet company from Canada put it on, and it was probably one of most favorite shows that I’ve ushered. The dancing was incredible and the story was so fun. I absolutely loved it!

 The North Logan Pumpkin Walk, a tradition for Halloween fun in the area, still went on with rain and cold temperatures. I got to play the witch again and had two kids sing me Halloween songs. It was so cute and so fun. Seeing the kid’s reactions, makes dressing up worth it. 

Dale and I got to dress up for the Married Student 17th Wards Halloween Party. We borrowed some things from Amie’s costume box. Dale  dressed up as Harry Potter, and I dressed up as Madame Hooch. I must say we looked pretty good. Thanks Amie for the help.

 We took advantage of a good deal and bought a 2020 Hyundai Tuscon Ultimate. It’s got all the bells and whistles that go along with it. Pretty nifty, and pretty spoiled.

We were able to sell our 2012 Outback the day after we posted it on KSL classified!! Talk about awesome blessings!

Garrett and Zandra invited us over to their place for dinner to celebrate Jorie’s 4th birthday. We played with the kids and visited. It was a nice evening. 

With all of the new growth going on in our area, we had a change made in our ward. We are now in a new ward. The Hyde Park 12th Ward. We lost a good chunk from the ward, and gained families that had been in the 8th ward, are now with us. Change is good, right? At least those homes across the street from us are in our ward now.

To celebrate Halloween we had invited the kids to come to our house for chili or soup and cinnamon rolls, and then trick-or-treating in the wagon pulled by the Razor would happen, but the weather turned WAY cold. So I just met Amie at Maple Springs and we visited Grandma Hansen and the kids showed her their costumes. Then we had our soup and cinnamon rolls and the kids went around trick or treating for a bit, but it was REALLY cold. Amie and I watched a Halloween movie and passed out treats. For being so cold the kids came back with a good amount of treats. I guess people just wanted to get rid of their candy. We never had very many come, however the bowl did get emptied. Oh, to be a kid again.

Nate took time off work, and flew into Salt Lake City, then got a rental car and drove to Moab, UT to spend some time with his buddies from high school. (Garrett Child, Jon Bennion, Chris Weston, Dave Essig, Cameron Lee, Jon Ford, Bill Sprout, Eric Avery, and Jeff Kelly) They did some mountain biking, and caught up on everyone's happenings. 

He got in some climbing with his buddy, Spencer, as well as met up with litle brother, Garrett, who was in Moab to support his buddy, Mike McKnight, who was running in the Moab 240. Nate and Garrett got in a bike ride as well as cheered Mike on at one of his rest stops. 


The Mallory's finished up soccer with Jaxson and Langston's teams ending up finishing in the middle of the bracket, and Kennlyn's team ended up taking first in her age division. Not bad, infact pretty good!


Now they've moved onto a focus of basketball more. Matt and Amie are coaching Jaxson's team, and Kennlyn and Langston are playing basketball as well.

Dale took Jaxson grouse hunting up Smithfield canyon and Jaxson got one. I'm not sure how happy his mom and dad were about having grouse for dinner, but Jaxson was pretty pleased be brought home food for a meal.

For fall break from school they headed west over the mountain to go see their Grandpa and Grandma Mallory and cousins in Burley, ID and their Grandma Sheryl and cousins in Meridian, ID

Seeing family is always fun, but so is staying in a hotel with a swimming pool. They made the most of it for sure.

Amie played chaperone for a field trip that Kennlyn's class took to Salt Lake to experience Biztown. Kennlyn got chosen to be sworn in as the mayor! It was a fun outing for both of them.

Matt took Kennlyn, Langston and Mazin to a fundraiser that was at the high school for a Harry Potter experience. They're big Harry Potter fans, so they LOVED it.

Mazin got to go see the Pumpkin Walk and then went with the  older kids to the 10th street Scare House for some Halloween fun.

For Halloween Jaxson didn't dress up (he's a teenager now), but the rest of the family were Super Heros. Matt was Iron Man, Amie was Wonder Woman, Kennlyn was the Black Panther, Langston was Spider Man, and Mazin was Captian America. Fun times!

Andrew worked in Ohio most of the month. They stayed in a VRBO (Vacation Rental By Owner) hunting cabin for one of the weeks in Amish country where they would pass horse drawn buggies riding on the road. He was also able to go fishing while staying there.

The weather there was cold as well, but in a different way than it was here.

They didn't have snow, just low clouds and cool humid air which created some pretty cool pictures.

Lindsay took the girls to the Pumpkin walk while Titan had piano lessons. It was cold, but they had fun. 

 Seeing the girls all bundled up tells you how cold it was. Very fitting to have their picture taken by a display at the Pumpkin Walk from the Disney movie -- Frozen.

Lindsay also made herself look like Snow White and then dressed up Nora and Arwyn in their Halloween costumes and went to Titan and Eloise's school to help with class Halloween parties and to have lunch with them. Titan and Eloise loved having Snow White and a couple of princesses eat with them.

Because it was so cold (low 30's) on Halloween they opted to just trick-or-treat right around their house. Titan was Harry Potter, Eloise was Mal from the Descendants movie , Nora and Arwyn were princesses, Lindsay was Snow White, and Andrew was their prince in a helicopter.
Garrett, Zandra and the kids went to Moab to show support for Garrett's buddy, Mike McKnight, an Ultra Runner, who was running in the Moab 240. He was trying to win the Triple Crown award and killed it by coming in 12 hours in front of the next closest runner! He broke his own combined record in time running three 100 mile races from two years ago. What an accomplishment for Mike! Sweet Success. Hard work does pay off.

 They hiked to Delicate Arch and did a few other hikes while their as well. The kids loved climbing on the rocks.

They also celebrated Jorie's 4th birthday. She got a scooter and had a full day of fun. Jorie planned her day by having her Sabey cousins (Minnie, Hope, and Vance) from Heber City come over. They decorated a cake and played games and then had dinner at In & Out Burger with them. I'd say she's quite the planner.

For Halloween they carved some cool looking pumpkins and also dressed up as Super Heros. The guys were Spider Man and the gals were Wonder Woman. They definitely made the most of their costumes. Jorie and Luke wore them almost daily a week before Halloween.

Danica celebrated her birthday in St. George for the weekend. She got in some climbing and soaked in the sun with a good friend, Audrey Palmer, who she hasn't seen for awhile.  I'd say Jason put a smile of her face. 

He also took her to California for more fun in the sun--her post on Facebook says it all:

LA currently has a hold on my heart.
• Venice Canals • San Monica • Bike Rides along the beach (still a good time even though I might have tipped over.) • Universal Studios • Dodgers Games • and lots and lots of sunshine •
Best birthday week yet!! ...and it’s only Friday! 

They saw the Red Bull Straight Rhythm Motor Cross show with Jason's dad and brother and to end the week, walked Venice Beach at Sunset. She was definitely spoiled, 26 better be good to her.

For some Halloween fun Danica joined up with Jason's sisters and mom. They all dressed up as witches, and went to the Gardner Village's WitchaPoolaza Event. I'd say they made some pretty good witches.

She also had a couple of good friends come and visit her. Jhani Williams, a friend from back on her Iowa soccer team that she's kept in touch with, and Erica Gonzales, a friend from her Dixie State soccer days. Time spent with old friends warms the heart.

-- Yes, she colored her hair purple for Halloween --

The Jazz started their season, so they've started showing their true colors for games. Hopefully it helps the Jazz have a great season.

To end the month Jason and Danica decided to rent out their townhome and buy another one that has a 2 car garage. Their townhome rented out within two weeks and their new place won't be available until mid November, so they moved in with Jason's dad until they can get into their new place which is only 5 miles away from their old place. We wish them the best in this new adventure.

They ended up moving on Halloween and Danica has just gotten it all decorated for Halloween a week or so ago. 

October was a bit odd in ways, especially with the weather. But when the snow melted on the lawn and the sun was shining we had some cold, but beautiful days.  We also had an awesome sunset for Halloween night, it just lacked a witch flying by on a broomstick.


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