Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Notable November

 Seven days into the month and we got our first snowfall that stuck to the ground. It didn't last too long, but we did get quite a bit in the mountains where we need it. This was taken on our way into Logan just outside of Sardine Canyon. 

I ushered at the Eccles Theater for the Warren Miller Movie, maybe that's what brought on the snow. 

Dale and I were able to help the CVHC with a Special Needs/YSA group to flatten and fold the plastic grocery bags in preparation for cutting and tying. It was pretty awesome to see those who were blind or with deformities anxious to help out and do a pretty good job at flattening the bags. Some were so proud when you'd tell them how good they had done, and others were just beaming. It was kind of crazy at times, and we did have to re-do quite a few, but all had a good time.

We also helped a group of Activity Day Boy's, ages 8-10 that had made an appointment at the CVHC to work on sleeping mats as well. They were a lively group.
Dale was also asked to be on the board for the CVHC. With his Business/Accounting background he'll be an asset to the board for sure. Way to go Dale!

We got to watch the new USU Aggies Men's Basketball coach and team play some games. They're looking pretty good. We've seen them lose only one game that we've watched so far. We're hoping for a great season.

I was able to serve in the Youth Center at the Temple. I watched a cute 9-month-old baby girl who had been adopted. Her two older sisters had also been adopted. They were all sweet as ever. What a special day for their family. Families can be together forever.

I went and did and endowment session in the temple, with sisters from the Greystone Ward, and Dale and I also were able to do some sealings for some of our family members who have passed through the veil already, giving them an opportunity to create a forever family.

Dale and I were able to go to Salt Lake's Humanitarian Headquarters for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We helped pack all of the suits that I had collected from our Stake and a couple of other wards in the area, as well as some from Amie's ward in Providence and a friend, Teri Johnsons ward in Nibley. We collected around 70 suits to be sent to Zimbabwe, Africa for the missionaries that have been called on missions and can't afford a suit. What a blessing it will be for them. They had other wards around the state collect suits as well. I don't know how many were collected, but I'm sure they will all be put to good use.
The Humanitarian Center is amazing. A buzz of busy with ladies quilting on quilts, people sorting through clothes, others putting together school kits, and baby kits, to be sent to Africa as well. The group "Eyes 4 Zimbabwe" were behind this. A group of doctors go over and do eye examinations, then fit them with glasses. They also distribute the many needed items for the people. The group get donations from all over and also uses the monetary donations to pay for the container they fill to go to Zimbabwe. It's pretty cool.
We were glad to be a small help and part of this.
Our friends, Bruce and Lottie Anderson, from Mendon, UT are serving a mission in Zimbabwe and asked us to help collect the suits.

Danica had a Dr. appointment and was going to have a ultrasound so check on the progress of their boy, so Dale and I went to their house and watched June while she had her appointment. She sure loves her grandpa and her baby doll.

I ushered at the Eccles Theater for a Student Matinee for the show 123 Andres. They were a cute couple that tied in learning Spanish with fun songs for the kids. The kids really got into it too. I love how the theater does these types of matinees for schools to give the kids a chance to be in a nice theater setting.

Dale's brother, Craig, who lives in South Ogden, turned 70, and his kids hosted an Open House for him. We were able to go and visit for a bit and to wish him well. We then headed back over the mountain and met up with three of my brothers and their wives for a siblings dinner, get together. Craig & Janet came from St. George, Kim & Kathy, Danny & Terry, and Dale & I had a nice meal at the Beehive Grill and DeAnn called us via FaceTime. We were each able to visit with her for a bit. It made for a great day spent with family.

We had a Zoo Day with Danica and June planned that turned into a birthday date/party for Langston. Amie, Langston, and Mazin joined us and we all went and enjoyed a day at Hogle Zoo. The weather wasn't too cold, and the company was great.
There's something about being at the zoo, that brings the kid out in you.

For Thanksgiving we had all but Nate and Diana here at one time or another. The Mallory's, Garrett's group and Gloria, Zandra's mom and the Hassell's joined us for dinner. After we all got our fill we went to the CVHC and worked on sleeping mats until we got one off the loom. Then we came back to our house for pie, and games.
Gloria left for home and Garrett's crew and the Hassell's stayed the night. 

I ushered again for the Cache Valley Civic Ballet's performance of The Nutcracker and for a group of performers from Ireland in their show Rhythm of Dance. They did the Celtic tap dancing, it was awesome.

Nate's wife, Diana was able to get away and go climbing with a group of ladies in Greece. What a brave gal she is to go it alone, but what a great experience for her. Greece is on my bucket list of places to go someday.

When she got home, Nate and Diana helped with a trail project in the Washington mountains. It was a service project to help the area out to make it safer for those wanting to enjoy the many outdoor trails they have in Washington. Way to go guys!! I'm sure it will be appreciated.

For Thanksgiving they flew to Las Vegas and did some rock climbing in Red Rock Canyon to get out of the rain and cold they've been having in Washington. 
I guess the turkey (or chicken wings),mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie tasted good on the mountain too. They may make this become a tradition.

Amie, Matt, Jaxson, and Mazin were able to go watch the Utah Jazz vs the Memphis Grizzles in basketball at the Delta Center. The kids got free tickets by participating in the Jr. Jazz program and Matt & Amie didn't mind taking them to the game. They love watching the Jazz almost as much as the Hassell's do.

Amie's hours at Heritage Elementary got cut do to budget issues so she picked a job at Cherry Peak ski resort to be over the ski and snowboard instructors and the ski school to fill in her days more.
She was a teacher last year, so she's moving up! I think the perk of getting the family skiing for free is a big motivator. They love to be outdoors. 

Langston and Mazin played in some basketball tournaments and are doing indoor soccer.

Kennlyn tried out for the Ridgeline girls basketball team and made the freshman team. We hope the best for her and are anxious to cheer her on from the sidelines.

Jaxson got asked to a Girl's Choice Dance that the school hosted. It had a country theme, so he and his cute date dressed appropriately. Fun times!

As I said earlier, Langston celebrated his birthday. He had a get together with his friends and they just hung out at his house and played games to celebrate. He got a bidet attachment for his birthday. I can't say I know of many kids that want one of those for a birthday gift, but he got what he wanted and was happy!  Happy Birthday Langston!! 

Andrew & Lindsay shook their lives up a bit this month by becoming co-owners of a local restaurant, Stonefire Pizza.
Their friends, Josh and Nicole Nuckles went in with them to take over the business. Josh is going to be the General Manager and Andrew will be over the Office operations. Pretty cool. We wish them the best!!

While Andrew was on his work tour he was able to go see the famous Duck Commander place where the show is filmed with his co-worker, Tom. They thought it was pretty neat. Does this mean he's turning into a redneck?

Garrett and Zandra had a first for them. Their daughter, Jorie, who turned 8 last month, was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by her dad, Garrett S Hansen. 
It was a special day for Jorie, she had some of her moms friends fly to Utah from Washington to attend the baptism and they aren't members of our Church. They also had some of their neighbors at the baptism that weren't members either. This tells you a lot about what a special girl Jorie is. She is loved by many.
Garrett and Zandra hosted a lunch at their house after and we were able to visit with family and friends. Garrett had three of his friends, who have kids that Jorie likes to play with, come to the baptism as well. It was a nice day for all.

They had their Washington friends stay with them for a few days and were able to go shopping, to the Taylor Swift; The New Era movie, and ice skating together while they were here.

Both Jorie and Luke have been playing basketball as well, and are improving. 

Garrett gave back to the community by taking the opportunity to help feed some of the local youth with his co-workers around Thanksgiving.


The Hassell's also got into the spirit of giving for those who need help with the upcoming colder months. His company held a food, and clothing drive to help children in the Ogden Schools that need help. 

They were also able to go to The Festival of the Trees event. June loved it!! This will be a fun time for their family with June being able to see the sights and sounds of the holidays. 

Both have kept busy with work (Danica doing her wooden Christmas ornaments, and Jason in the office) but they find time to enjoy each other as a family too. With baby boy coming in January, they are getting in all the fun they can now, and I don't blame them. 

On other happenings--the wars between Russia and Ukraine is still ongoing, and the war between Israel and the Gaza strip is still ongoing. I'm hoping that we will find Peace on Earth next month.

In our Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the apostle, M. Russell Ballard, passed away at the age of 95. His presence will be missed.

The Church also has been providing humanitarian assistance to those in need in Israel and Gaza. 

Here is what our Church said about it:

“In line with its stated aim to provide humanitarian assistance around the world, including areas of conflict, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is collaborating with multiple international relief agencies in Gaza and Israel. “The Church is devoting significant financial resources for critical medical and mental health care, among other needs, to help alleviate suffering wherever it is found.”

About Humanitarian Services of the Church of Jesus Christ

The Church follows the admonition of Jesus Christ to feed the hungry and care for those in need. The Church gives assistance without regard to race, religious affiliation or nationality. The Church’s 2022 annual report shows efforts to care for those in need included more than $1 billion in expenditures, 6.3 million hours volunteered and 3,692 humanitarian projects in 190 countries and territories.

I am thankful that our small donations we make through the Humanitarian efforts for our Church are used to help others in need.

I am also thankful for a truly wonderful world to live on, a Savior who made it possible for me to be together with our family that looks out for, cares for and loves one another forever and for all the good people that share love and goodness. 

It truly was a Notable November had by all.



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