Wednesday, December 23, 2020

November Newsletter

I'm making this a newsletter because we started out the month by voting in the General Election. Everyone was encouraged to vote via the mail-in ballots that were sent out to all registered voters. However there was a big concern about that because of possible voting fraud. Areas did have polling places open, but they were limited. Our area has done mail-in voting before and it went well.

I got together with my Golden Girls for a day of Christmas shopping, visiting, and dinner. We met at Farmington Station and you would of thought we were still in high school the way we were acting, but oh, it was fun!

After our outing, the state got put on a mandatory mask mandate. We were already wearing masks in our area, so nothing really new for us, but the case counts for COVID are rising so they put the state on this mandate and encouraged not getting together into groups of more than 10 and wearing masks out in public and with those not in your household.

November has two holiday observances in it. The first one is Veteran's Day. My dad, all but two of my mom's brothers, two of my own brothers and Dale's dad, a brother and two nephews served our country in various ways in the military. I am grateful for all that have served our country to keep America free.

Dale and I were invited by the Mallory's to participate in a Drive-By Birthday celebration for Langston. It was a Party Animal theme to it. They handed out animal masks, hot chocolate and tiger cupcakes to those that came. It was the COVID way to celebrate. We were glad we could join in on the fun. 

The President and Prophet of our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Russell M. Nelson, shared a message of hope, healing and unity to help lift us out of the depth of COVID-19 and eradicate other plagues such as hatred and incivility.
The prophet offered a prayer of gratitude and also invited everyone, everywhere, to do two important things to heal relationships and communities.
1.  Turn social media into your own gratitude journal for the next seven days
2.  Say a prayer of thanks

Expressing his own gratitude for the scientists and researchers who are developing a vaccine for COVID-19, the prophet (a former pioneering cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon) reminded us that "there is no medication or operation that can fix the many spiritual woes and
maladies that we face" as a collective global society. These include the vices of hate, unrest,
racism, violence, dishonesty and incivility. "There is, however a remedy-- one that may seem 
surprising-- because it flies on the face of our natural intuitions," Pres. Nelson said, "Nevertheless, its effects have been validated by scientists as well as men and women of faith. I am referring to the healing power of gratitude."

Our country received results from voting and it showed that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the projected winners, so they have been calling Joe Biden the President Elect. Pres. Trump has not conceded his position and probably won't until Jan. 20th because the Republican Party feels that there was voter fraud as well as questions in the use of certain voting machines that key states used. So those issues are being looked into, and as of now there is no declared winner in the Presidential Election, and it might not be until into January. This news along with shutdowns, mask mandates, the COVID pandemic and loss of employment for many has created a strong negative feeling among people in the two parties of the Democrats and Republicans.
Pres. Nelson's inspiring address couldn't of come at a better time. Once people started posting their gratitude the feeling on social media had a lot better feeling.

I took our prophet's initiative and shared my gratitude -- here's some of the things that I'm grateful for --

My son-in-law works as a counselor at an Elementary school. He has a trait he focuses on each month. With this month being Thanksgiving he had all of the teachers and kids in the school write something they are thankful for and put together this bulletin board in the schools hallway. I am thankful for the work he and all our teachers, principles, bus drivers, lunch workers, office workers, custodians, teachers aides, those working in the District office, and our Board Members for ALL they do to teach, and touch our children. We live in a great area where the childrens growth and well being come first. Pres. Russell M. Nelson recently said—“Counting our blessings is way better than counting our problems”. With the first closure of one of our high schools due to COVID numbers in the school, may we count our blessings and have a thankful heart for all that work to teach and keep our children free from harm and danger. #givethanks

I am grateful for those who put their life on the line for us. To ALL those that work in the health care industry to help us when needed. To those who serve in care facilities and help with the needs of our loved ones because we can’t be there in person. To their families for sharing these great people with us. They are all angels in my eyes. #givethanks

We are blessed to have men and women who look out for us and risk their lives doing so. Thanks to them for the many ways they serve our area and for their family and the sacrifices they make to allow them to do so. #givethanks

A big shout out to all of our mail carriers, garbage men, farmers, grocery workers, truckers, and delivery men and women. They are who provide us with a lot of the necessities of life and make our days go better by providing the things we need or want. We are blessed because of their long hours, care and efforts. #givethanks

Thank you to those that serve, fight for, and help keep our country what it To our national and local leaders for taking on the task to govern our country and states. To their families for the sacrifices they make to support their husband, father, son, and child as they serve our country. I am proud to be an American! #givethanks

I love to travel and see new places in this beautiful world we live on, and I am grateful that I can experience all four seasons and the beauty each one holds. I also am grateful that I lived in an area where I can see beautiful sunsets and our temple. I’m grateful for the peace it brings and for the opportunity to serve in the temple as well as give those who have passed away a chance to accept the blessings the temple brings into your life. I’m grateful for our Savior, Jesus Christ, and all he has done and does do for me in helping me return back into the presence of our father in Heaven. For the Prophet Joseph Smith and all he did to restore the gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth along with the Book of Mormon, another testament of Christ. I’m also grateful for our living prophet, Russell M. Nelson and for the guidance he gives us in these Latter-Days. Indeed we have much to be thankful for. #givethanks

I am thankful for Christ’s life and the sacrifice he made for me. That I can partake of the sacrament and renew the covenants I made to Him. For HIS example and HIS unconditional love. #givethanks

Feeling VERY blessed as I think of all the wonderful people that play a big part in who I am. A Savior who loves me unconditionally
💖, great parents who raised me, and in-laws who have loved me like one of their own 💗. Siblings who truly know me and still love me. Dale’s siblings who have taken me in as one of theirs 💕, my own eternal companion who puts up with me daily, is my go to guy and soul mate 💞. Our children whom I am in awe of for how great they turned out to be in spite of all my shortcomings while raising them. I’ll always love them more 😘. To their spouses for being there for them and us and adding SO much to our family 💖. To our adorable, fun loving grandkids that keep me young 💓and to the many friends that have touched my life for good in so many ways 💝 I #givethanks. You all mean the world to me and help shape my life into what I am becoming. Love you all more than you will ever know ❤️❤️.

I #givethanks that I am a daughter, a sister, a spouse, an aunt, a cousin, a niece, a friend, a co-worker, a mom, a grandmother, grand-daughter, and a child of God 💕

A year ago at this time I had just been on the trip of a life time. Recovering from jet lag after 12 days in India with this crew. So many wonderful memories. I am thankful for the opportunity to travel and experience some of what the world has to offer. #givethanks

Okay, so I went ten days, but only because once you get really thinking about it there is SO MUCH to be thankful for!!
Which leads into the second holiday in this month....Thanksgiving!

We all spent Thanksgiving in a smaller group this year. Nate spent his with his girlfriend, Diana, in the Las Vegas area rock climbing in the Red Rocks area. They even had a Thanksgiving type meal on the top of a mountain they had climbed!
They also got in some climbing in areas around Washington.
He's been able to keep his office up and running and seeing patients, so that puts a smile on his face, and gives him something to be thankful for as well.

It was a bit chilly in Las Vegas over the Thanksgiving weekend, hence the coats.

The Mallory's have been busy doing more to fix up their place. They got new carpet in their basement and put in some wood flooring in their basement as well. They also replaced their kitchen sink with a real nice big one. Luckily they have a neighbor that had the tools to help them cut out their old sink. Good neighbors come in handy. Things are really shaping up with their house. They've put a lot of work into it to up-date it and it's paying off.

Then they not only hosted a early Drive-by Birthday party for Langston, they celebrated his baptism on his birthday. Immediate family, grandparents, a member from the Stake Primary, and one from the Bishopric were all that could attend, and we all had to wear masks. Both of Langston's grandpas talked, and both his grandmas were witnesses, which was a first for me so it made it special for this grandmas too.
Happy Birthday and Happy Baptism Day Langston! We Love you!

Amie's coaching Kennlyn and Langston in basketball and Jaxson was able to try-out for the Ridgeline HS Freshman basketball team and made the team! He was pretty lucky because he had been exposed to COVID at school by a student that he sat by in a class and had to quarantine for five days until he could take a Rapid Test to see if he had COVID. He found out that his test came back negative 2-3 hours before try-outs, he made the cuts and was put on the team. Way to go Jaxson!! Go Riverhawks!!

They loaded up and headed West for Burley, ID for Thanksgiving and spent it with Matt's dad and mom. Matt's dad and brother both have had COVID, so they felt safe being with them.

We were blessed to have an early snowstorm that left us some snow on the ground for a couple of days because it got pretty cold too. That got us excited for more.

While Andrew was on his work tour he decided to give a mustache a try. We all thought that he should shave it off before he comes home. What do you think?

Andrew was able to fly home from work for the Thanksgiving weekend. His work is awesome that way. They went to Lindsay's parents house for Thanksgiving. There was a smaller group there, but plenty of good food.

Luckily Andrew was home so he could celebrate his birthday a day early with his family. They also celebrated Nora's birthday early so Andrew could be part of it. Dale and I went and celebrated with them.
Happy Birthday Andrew!!

Titan got exposed to COVID from a boy he sat by at school by, so he had be quarantined and then tested. His results came back negative as well. So far our family has been pretty blessed to not get it.

Garrett and Zandra had a pretty busy month, but they also found time for some fun. When we got snow, they got more than we did, so they made a snowman and went sledding!

They bought a townhome in Ogden to rent out, as investment property and they also put down earnest money on a home in Mountain Green. 

They had wanted to move there before they bought their home in South Weber, but nothing worked out for them. Garrett saw this house in Mountain Green and they went and checked it out, loved it, and decided to make the move.
They wanted to have us over for Thanksgiving so we went a day early and helped load up some boxes and move some things into their new house and got a tour. It will be nice, the mountains are close and the view is incredible. They had an offer on their house within a week, but that one fell through and a couple of days later they had a couple that had put money down on their house. Must of been meant to be.

The closing on the home they were selling took longer than planned which set them back a bit on moving, but they made the most of their resources and lived with what they still had in the house.
The kids took advantage of a sunshine day and played in the backyard one last time on their swing, and Garrett takes advantage of his down time and takes a seat on the piano bench to fill the house with some tunes. You've got to do it when you can.

Danica and Jason headed south a couple of times this month. Once to get away from the cold, and to do a Friendsgiving with their friends, and then again over the real Thanksgiving weekend and spent some time with Jason's dad and sister.

They got in some biking, visiting, and golfing as well. 

Danica stayed busy making hand painted Christmas ornaments and drawing homes with the family in front of it for Christmas gifts people had ordered from her. She got so many she finally had to say "no more orders can be taken". It's good that it's a COVID time of year for her or she'd never be able to sleep or have any fun with work and her orders. I guess that's what happens when you apply your talents. Busy, busy, but it's giving her some "fun money" to spend so that makes it worth it.

In the news----

With hours until the polls close, one million Utahns have already cast their vote in the 2020 election.

The state elections office announced Tuesday at 11:40 a.m. that Utah passed its 2016 general election turnout -- 1,152,369.

So far, 1,152,383 Utahns have voted, according to the state's website.

Stores in downtown Salt Lake City board up windows ahead of possible unrest
Ahead of Election Day, local stores in Salt Lake City boarded up their windows. Caption: KUTV - Arielle Harrison reports. Nordstrom and Tiffany & Co. at City Creek Mall and other businesses owners have boarded up their windows ahead of any potential civil unrest on Tuesday. Locations across the country are following suit. Even the White House now has a wall around it to protect against any potential protesters. U. S.

'Trump trains' travel across Utah
Thousands of people watched as thousands of people participated in various "Trump trains" across the state of Utah. Caravans of vehicles, most all displaying some kind of support for President Donald Trump, drove from Cache Valley to meet up with groups coming from Utah County in Layton, Utah. Many of those people were honking their horns along the way. Some of the groups of vehicles blocked traffic across the Wasatch Front, including on Interstate 15 in some places.

Gov. Gary R. Herbert has declared a new state of emergency to address hospital overcrowding in response to weeks of continued stress on Utah's hospital networks due to a rise of COVID-19 cases. The governor and the Utah Department of Health have issued concurrent executive and public health orders designed to decrease the surge of COVID-19 cases in Utah. Both orders will be effective on Monday, Nov. 9, and will be in effect until Nov. 23.

Newly reported COVID-19 cases continued to drop Thanksgiving Day, as the rolling 7-day average hit 186 new cases daily, down from a peak of 215 last Friday.

There were 225 new cases reported on Thursday, which is higher than the 7-day average but lower than the 283 cases reported one week ago that dropped off the back end of the rolling average, meaning an overall drop in the rolling average.

Estimated active cases went up slightly on Thursday, to 2,752, but that's down from a peak of 2,840 on Tuesday.

As November's precipitous climb in new cases appeared to begin stalling out, Gov. Gary Herbert allowed two-week restrictions on social gatherings to lapse. Health officials have singled out small gatherings not attached to official organizations as a major way the pandemic is spreading, but whether Thanksgiving gatherings will precede a rise in viral transmission similar to the one that coincided with the weeks after Halloween remains to be seen

There you have it, our November Newsletter!

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