Wednesday, May 20, 2020

April Asylum

One of the definitions for asylum is protection from danger. Well, I thought that fit for the month since we've been asked to stay home due to the Cornavirus pandemic unless we have essential needs that need to be taken care of; like groceries, gas, work (if you can't work from home, but Dale goes in to his office because of all of the files he has to work with), etc.

April 1st Mother Nature thought she'd play a trick on us by setting off another earthquake, however this one was located near Stanley, ID. It had a magnitude of 6.5, which was bigger than the one we had in Utah last month. I guess people in six states felt it with some feeling it here in the valley, but I never felt it. Luckily it didn't cause much damage because that area is more open and less populated. 


Utah has still had aftershocks since our earthquake. Some as high as 4.2, that our kids living in South Weber have felt. No more damage has been done that we're aware of however, so that's good.
For the majority of our state the Governor is still asking people asked to stay at home, only going out as necessary, and staying 6ft. apart due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our area will allow gatherings of no more than ten people, but we are still asked to keep our distance.
The weather started warming up so we got together with our friends Kathy and Mike Bullen and went on a Razor ride up Providence Canyon. We left our vehicles at the Mallory's and rode our Razors up the canyon. The Mallory's decided to join us, so they hopped on their ATV for a ride. It felt food to get in the outdoors and smell that fresh air. 
We rode up the canyon as far as we could until we hit snow and it got deeper and harder to drive in. We live in a beautiful world.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints held their Spring General Conference and focused on the 200th anniversary of the first vision. An event young Joseph Smith had in a grove of trees in Palmayra, New York after he had prayed asking God which Church he should join, after reading in James 1:5 in the Bible; "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God".

Due to COVID-19, General Conference was done a lot differently. It wasn't in the Conference Canter, or broadcast in meeting places. Instead they had two from the presidency, the speakers, the people giving prayers, and a few running the camera in the auditorium at the Church Office Building on Temple Square. All of the music was pre-recorded, and it was viewed or streamed live into homes because of COVID-19.
It definitely had a different look, but the spirit was strong, and the talks were uplifting. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland an Apostle, and Pres. Nelson, our Prophet, gave great talks that ended by giving us hope with the pandemic.

In the Saturday morning session we raised our hands to the square and sustained the Prophet as well as the Apostles and  others as now constituted. 


President Nelson ended the Saturday evening session by announcing that the church was going to have a new logo that they felt represented the mission of the church: Come Follow Me. They would also have a plaque showing the name of the church on the cornerstone of the temples carved on a marble stone tablet or plaque.

He also called for another worldwide fast to be done on Good Friday, April 10, 2020, and invited all including those not of our faith and whose health may permit to join in this fast, that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers strengthened, and life normalized.

At the end of the Sunday morning session our prophet, Russell M. Nelson, introduced the proclamation--The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World in honor of the 200th celebration of the first vision, which he was filmed while he read it in the Sacred Grove where the first vision occurred.

He also led us in the Hosanna Shout-- here are his words: "Now, my dear brothers and sisters, as we commemorate Joseph Smith’s First Vision of the Father and the Son, we felt that it would be appropriate to rejoice together by participating in the Hosanna Shout.
This sacred shout was first given in this dispensation at the dedication of the Kirtland Temple on March 27, 1836. It is now given at the dedication of each temple. It is a sacred tribute to the Father and the Son, symbolizing the reaction of the multitude when the Savior made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It also reaffirms what young Joseph experienced that day in the Sacred Grove—namely, that the Father and the Son are two glorified Beings, whom we worship and praise".

At the end of the Sunday afternoon session Pres. Nelson shared these words:

"During this conference, we have experienced many highlights. On this bicentennial anniversary, we have introduced a proclamation to the world declaring the reality of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ in its fulness.

We commemorated the Restoration with the Hosanna Shout.
We unveiled a new symbol signifying our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and for visual recognition of official Church information and materials.
We have called for a global day of fasting and prayer, that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the economy strengthened, and life normalized. This fast will be held on Good Friday, April 10. What a great Friday that will be"!
Then he shared this exciting news: "More than a century ago, President Wilford Woodruff foresaw conditions such as ours today, as recorded in his dedicatory prayer of the Salt Lake Temple, given in 1893. Some of you may have recently seen excerpts from this remarkable prayer on social media.

Hear these pleadings from a mighty prophet of God: “When Thy people shall not have the opportunity of entering this holy house … and they are oppressed and in trouble, surrounded by difficulties … and shall turn their faces towards this Thy holy house and ask Thee for deliverance, for help, for Thy power to be extended in their behalf, we beseech Thee, to look down from Thy holy habitation in mercy … and listen to their cries. Or when the children of Thy people, in years to come, shall be separated, through any cause, from this place, … and they shall cry unto Thee from the depths of their affliction and sorrow to extend relief and deliverance to them, we humbly entreat Thee to … hearken to their cries, and grant unto them the blessings for which they ask.”

Today we are pleased to announce plans to construct eight new temples in the following locations: Bahía Blanca, Argentina; Tallahassee, Florida; Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Benin City, Nigeria; Syracuse, Utah; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and Shanghai, People’s Republic of China.
In all eight locations, Church architects will work with local officials so that the temple will harmonize with and be a beautiful addition to each community.

The plan for a temple in Dubai comes in response to their gracious invitation, which we gratefully acknowledge.
Context for the plan for Shanghai is very important. For more than two decades, temple-worthy members in the People’s Republic of China have attended the Hong Kong China Temple. But in July 2019, that temple was closed for long-planned and much-needed renovation.
In Shanghai, a modest multipurpose meeting place will provide a way for Chinese members to continue to participate in ordinances of the temple—in the People’s Republic of China—for them and their ancestors".
It was a wonderful conference. The spirit was felt and the theme seemed to be what we needed to hear and how we should live, so that we Hear Him and know that He hears us. Much comfort especially during this pandemic time.
Dad and I had told Jorie that we'd color pictures during General Conference, so we did. It was actually kind of a great way to listen to some of the talks. Thanks Jorie for the invite. Dale colored the bear and I colored the mountain goat because we love the outdoors.

After conference we met the Mallory's outside of Maple Springs and parked our cars in an area where we could see Dale's mom/Grandma Hansen through the window. We called her and talked to her on the phone while she watched us through the window. She's living on the second floor in an assisted living home and visitors aren't allowed due to the pandemic, so we are making the best of it. We held up a "We Love You" sign as well.
She seems to be in good spirits, which is great to hear. We're looking forward to when we can see her again.

My oldest brother, Craig, lined up for my siblings to get together via a ZOOM mtg. over the internet instead of getting together for dinner, which we usually do sometime between Feb.-April, because of the pandemic. This get together fell on Siblings Day as well, which made it even more special. It was great to see everyone and get together in this way to visit and catch up. 

I have been greatly blessed to be part of the family I am. I've got some pretty awesome brothers, sisters, brother-in-laws, and sister-in-laws.Happy Siblings Day!

Easter was a bit different this year with the pandemic. Because we couldn't be in groups of more than ten and had to social distance we decided that we'd take our annual Easter Egg Hunt to the kids this year. Andrew and Lindsay did their Easter celebrations earlier because Andrew had to leave for work on Easter Day, so we gave them their Easter things so they could have them when they did their hunt.

We took our Easter things to Garrett and Zandra's and they invited us to watch the kids hunt for their eggs. It was fun seeing the excitement on their faces, and even though we couldn't hug them, we were glad we could blow them kisses.

We left Danica and Jason's Easter bag hidden on their front porch because they hadn't gotten back from St. George yet, and we needed to head back home so we could give our Easter bag to the Mallory's.
The Mallory's also asked us to watch them do their egg hunt and also asked if I would hand out the prizes like I did last year, where they have to turn in their numbers that were in the eggs to see what prize they got. This made it fun for me as well as them.
So Nate didn't feel left out on the Easter fun, we sent him some money via Venmo to use to have some fun in the outdoors, since he's pretty much stuck at home and can't work as much due to the pandemic.

Easter Day was a bit quieter as well, but it was nice to reflect on the reason for the day. Dale and I were invited to dinner at the Mallory's, and we also had our "Home Church" service with them.

We woke up to about 2 inches of snow a couple of days after Easter, but luckily it had melted by the evening. Zandra had given me some tulips from their yard when we visited them and they helped brighten up that snowy day. I love the signs of Spring and the green and the color that pops out.

We celebrated Dale's birthday a bit different this year too. I told him for his birthday this year he could have and do whatever he wanted to have or do. Well, the day before his birthday he went on a ride with some of his "Biker group" guys from work (Gary Thomas, Tim Smith, Kirk McRae, and Kevin Womack and his daughter). They rode up through Preston and headed through Immigration Canyon, where they ran into some snow, went through Paris, ID, and the Bear Lake area, through Logan Canyon and home. He said it was a beautiful ride and great to get out on the bike.

On his birthday, he got up and finished digging out one of the front window wells where the wood had gone bad, so it needed to be fixed. He also got out the tiller and tilled up the garden. While he was doing that, the Mallory's showed up to help with some yardwork. They helped us clean up the back yard rock area where we hadn't cut down the plants like we should of last fall. Matt brought his electric hedge trimmer and that cut the time in half! We got it all cleaned up pretty fast, so they helped with weeding, and moving some rocks that Dale wanted to get out of the way to make a bigger road area along the back of our lot. Many hands make light work and sure helped to spiff up the yard. Did I say I love spring and the green?

The Hassell's showed up when we were starting to clean up, so they visited a bit with the Mallory's and then headed home. 
Danica and Jason wanted to take us on a picnic and do a hike, but they got here later than they though they would, so Dale opened their gift to him, which was a picture Danica had drawn from a picture of his last years birthday fishing trip when we landed a monster fish. They also had a soft plastic fish with it that the Mallory's helped buy that was mounted on a plaque that sang the songs--"Don't Worry, Be Happy" and "I Will Survive". It was pretty clever, real nice and we have the perfect spot to put his gift. In Dale's office at work, because of it's outdoor/fishing theme. 

We had out picnic at First Dam and enjoyed the sunshine with half of the valley it seemed, but we were able to find a spot that was away from the bigger groups and spread out to eat our sandwiches.

When the Mallory's found out the hike was off, they invited us to go on a hike/trail with them that's hidden on the hillside across the highway from USU's Old Main Hill. It has a beautiful view of the south end of the valley and also had a cool graffiti wall. We went and got some ice cream and then went to Mallory's and played a few games after and then headed home.

I think Dale enjoyed his birthday, he definitely got outside and worked and played. He proved he's not getting older, just stronger. 

The next day was Sunday, so we had Lindsay and the kids ( Andrew was working in Mississippi and Alabama) over for "Home Church" and a Birthday Dinner for Dale. Lindsay brought Dale a cake and they gave him a fishing shirt. Garrett gave Dale a Gift Certificate to Cabela's and Nate called and had a good visit with Dale to add to his day. Happy Birthday Dale!!

I had a bit of a scare after we'd been to Andrew and Lindsay's to celebrate Arwyn's birthday. We ended up having Jaxson and Kennlyn come home with us to sleep over, because they wanted to and said they'd help us plant the garden and help with the yard. We played games until quite late (2:00am). While we were playing Dale had a few deep hard cough attacks, and I joked that he had the virus. Well the next morning he had another cough attack and decided to go and get tested for it without me knowing because he woke up before the rest of us. We have a testing center in our area, just off the highway.
He came home with papers that told him that he needed to isolate himself because he had been tested for COVID-19 and they were sitting on the bar, Dale was outside working in the yard. I had no idea he had gone in!
Well, that changed our weekend quite a bit once I read all we had to do. He was to isolate himself for 5-10 days depending on when he got the results back. So, I called up Amie and told her we'd have to bring the kids back early. Luckily Matt was in town, so I took Jaxson and Kennlyn to Lowe's where Matt was so he could take them home. Dale spent most the day outside and then he slept downstairs and I slept upstairs. The next day we stayed home and somewhat apart from each other, and then he stayed home from work and participated in a teleconference via his laptop for most of the morning. After lunch we got a call from the clinic where he had his test saying that his test came back negative!! Funny thing though was that Dale never coughed again after his three cough attacks. He ended up going into work to finish his work there the rest of the day.
It made us appreciate each other a bit more and helped us realize how hard it would be to truly be isolated for a period of time. Oh, the joys of this pandemic.

Dale as well as all of us were assuming that he didn't have the virus, but better to be safe than sorry. He was glad he could carry out and finish projects he started this month as well. He dug up the dead trunks of two trees, so that we could plant two new trees in the areas where those trees were, as well as got the one window well all put in and cleaned up. 

He also pulled off a few surprises for me for my 60th birthday. On my birthday I woke up and found out that a big sign had been put in our yard. No hiding my age anymore after today.

Then I started off the day by getting a call from my brother, Craig, telling me Happy Birthday, and that he was sorry he couldn't make it to my birthday parade (he lives 6 hrs. away). I didn't know about a birthday parade, so I thought I'd go get some ice cream "Creamies" to had out to those that came for the parade. When I got home, there was a vase with some beautiful flowers in it on the front porch for me from Nate! Another thoughful surprise!

Amie had invited me to come to their house for lunch and games with the kids and as I was getting ready to go, Andrew, Lindsay, and their kids showed up with balloons, a couple of cakes, cupcakes, and flowers! They said the cakes and cupcakes were for later. Another surprise!

After having lunch and games with the Mallory kids, I got home and Garrett and Zandra showed up with dinner from Tandoori Oven for us and flowers! Garrett also gave me a disc with a song on it that he'd written for me for my birthday. It sure tugged at my heart. What a thoughtful thing to do. Another surprise!!

We got done eating and the parade started!! Come to find out, the cupcakes and cake were for those that came to the parade. Where I didn't know what was going on, I had the ice cream, so those that came got a Creamie and a cupcake. We had family and close friends show up. We visited at a distance on the lawn, and I was given cards, candy, more flowers, and balloons. The best gift was just seeing and visiting with these people I love. To top the parade off the Mallory's showed up with Matt pulling their little utility trailer with Amie and the kids standing in the back holding signs that said, "Happy Birthday", "The BIG 60", and "We Love You", while singing "Happy Birthday" quite loud and quite off key. They also threw small bags of tootsie rolls at me as they went by. It was pretty cute. 

As the parade group were winding down, Andrew and Lindsay showed up with their kids with a cake that was made into a "D" that had strawberries and cream cheese on top. I found out that we were going to have a ZOOM birthday party with all of the kids via internet technology. So I had the WHOLE family together on my birthday! It was great to visit with all of them and catch up with Nate and Jason and Danica. We put candles on the cake, and lit them; they sang "Happy Birthday" and I blew out the candles, and those at the house ate cake and ice cream. 

We played a Trivia game and a Quick Draw game with the group. We laughed and had fun. It was a great way to end a great day. 
Danica gave me a "Pamper Me Kit" with a Foot Spa, foot scrub, nail polish, and a fun soap with it, and Dale gave me a new iPhone 11 to get me updated with the technology world. I think he spoiled me, and I'm glad he wasn't sick with the virus so that he could join in on the great party he planned for me. 
Thanks all for making 60 truly seem like the new 40! I hope I can keep it that way. I am pretty blessed to have such great kids and a stinker for a husband. Love you all!!

Nate has been only taking necessary patients, and still isn't doing any surgeries. He's doing a lot of Netflix binging when the weathers been bad, and getting outdoors on his bike and, getting in the mountains to run or rock climb when he can. Washington is still on more of a Stay at Home order, but they do allow them to get outdoors for necessary travel, and needs. Nate needs his time in the outdoors.

The Mallory's have been busy doing projects in their yard. They cleared their "wooded area" and made a fire pit area to give them that camping out feel. It's pretty nice too. They also pulled most of the bushes that lined their back property line. That was quite the task, but they had good neighbors and dad that helped them out. It looks a lot more open and made it so they can have a garden. 

They got busy inside too, and painted their living room, dining room, entry way, and hallway, a lighter color, as well as painted the rock on their fireplace a lighter color to give their home an up-dated look. They're really sprucing up the place, it looks nice.
They also hired a guy to paint all the wood on their house on the outside. That looks nice too.


Amie decided where everyone is home more, that they'd get a family picture taken on their front porch. This way their dog, Lucky, could be in the picture. Looking good guys!

Towards the end of the month the Government allowed area to be opened up to groups less that 20 and allowed gyms, salons, doctors, dentists, and restaurants to open, if they followed all the safety guidelines as the Governors of states deemed appropriate to open with their numbers of cases of COVID19. Our area got to open up some, which was nice.

Because of this Amie took advantage of the new guidelines. With the kids being home more she got them all to go to the Dentist for their 6 month check-ups. She could take all the kids and get them all in a chair at the same time. Sweet for her, and them.

Another sweet deal for all the heads of households in the USA was a Stimulus Check that came in the mail to help our country during this trying time. A lot have lost their jobs or aren't working as much, and struggling to pay their bills and rent. Each house got a certain amount depending on their income, and how many adults/caregivers are in the home. We got a letter from the President of the United States, Donald Trump, explaining this check.

Once this new phase hit, our area opened up the first Medical Cannabis store in the valley in North Logan. This has been an issue on ballots and among citizens because of it's make-up, but those that truly benefit from it's use can now get it legally, which is good. Time will tell.

The Governor also put out a notice that public schools wouldn't be opening again until possibly in August. So homeschool and video teaching will continue for another 3-4 weeks for the kids. Also, college and high school graduations won't be done in the traditional way. 

This probably brought a few groans from parents, teachers and kids, but it's probably for the best.

Lindsay made us aware of this event on her Facebook post on April 2nd--
Today is Autism Awareness day. Our Titan boy is the man! He is already smarter then both Dad and Mom. I love all his weird quirks and habits. They make him who he is. He can’t always make eye contact when you talk to him and he is often in his own world. I would love to see that world! Titan, Dad and I love you and love everything thing about you. We celebrate you and celebrate the gifts that you have. Never stop being different  and never stop not caring what people think of you. You are perfect❤️
We love our Titan!

Lindsay also shared this on her Facebook post about their Quarantine update at the Hansen house: We're constantly creating to keep busy, watching TV, wearing whatever we want, falling asleep watching TV, eating way too much takeout while watching TV and missing Daddy. Basically we’re sick of it!
They haven't gotten out much with the kids because of this pandemic, and with Nora's delicate health, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Well, Andrew did get home from his work tour and all went well for the most part.....
...but he had some excitement when he was there. Midway through his tour while he was in Laurel, Mississippi they had a tornado hit that area the day he moved to another area. This tornado killed probably 14 people. It was the biggest tornado they had ever had in Mississippi. Then a week later as he was in Hattiesburg, Mississippi where he was staying a tornado hit a couple of miles away from the airport, and his helicopter was being stored in a hanger at the airport. He was probably 10 miles away for that one. That area also had a big rainstorm that caused some flooding. They helped the people across the street move their furniture and belongings on top of things to keep them from getting wet. THEN, the next week he moved to Andalusia, Alabama and there was a tornado there, but he had left the night before and left his helicopter at the airport. Luckily it didn't get damaged. Boy these tornados just kept following Andrew around!!

When he got to the airport, in Alabama, to start his trek home, Andrew was the only one in the airport, except for the workers. They all knew he was coming and he had the plane all to himself. It was a smaller airport, and a smaller airplane, but still to have the workers know him by name before he showed his ID and to be the only non-worker in the airport and on the plane gave him a pretty erie feeling. He landed in Atlanta, Georgia, which is a BIG airport, and he said that even that airport was pretty quiet, and their was probably two seats empty per row on the plane, that it wasprobably a little more than half full. This shows some of the impact that COVID-19 has put on the economy. Andrew has to show a tag that proves he's traveling for work. Pretty much essential travel is all that's being allowed right now.


Andrew got home in time to celebrate Arwyn's 3rd birthday. They had us over for cake and ice cream and we got in a good visit. She sure is a cutie. Happy Birthday Arwyn!! 

The weather cleared up and got warm enough that Andrew decided to get his boat out and take it for a spin. They invited the Mallory's to meet them at Newton Dam. I guess a lot of people had the same idea because it was pretty busy, but they still gave tube rides behind the boat to anyone that wanted one to make their time on the lake worthwhile. Fun times ahead.


Zandra's been doing a lot of cooking with the kids as well as having them try new ways to learn hands on with writing letters in shaving cream, entering coloring contests, working in workbooks, making papier-mache Easter Eggs, coloring eggs, getting their faces painted, and doing more baking.

Garrett's still been doing his YouTube Singing time for his kids in Primary during their "Home Church" time. For Easter Sunday, he hosted a Easter sing-along for the kids. Also, the kids' Primary teachers left a nice chalk art note on their driveway for Easter. Those are pretty special teachers.

Garrett's been surprised at how busy he's been during the Coronavirus Pandemic. He shared this review he got from one of his clients on Facebook--  

Zandra and the kids baked for a promo with Garrett's work. They made chocolate chip cookies and then the kids delivered them in some cute cookie bags to their neighbors.
Who could turn down a cute cookie delivery like this? 

Garrett has found time to play and teach the kids as well. He made up a chalk art obstacle course for the kids. It looked like a fun way to reinforce learning your numbers and letters.

This pandemic isn't slowing them down much. I'm sure they all sleep pretty good at night.

Jason too, has been busy with refinancing loans even while they've been living in St. George, UT with his dad for half of the month. They have been able to find time to play though, because when the suns out, you've got to enjoy it, right?

They got in some rock climbing, Razor riding, and just enjoying the beauty of the area.

They got home late, Easter day with that St. George tan,  and jumped back into their working at the office routine, but were still able to sneak in a couple of motorcycle rides.

Danica's been staying quite busy with her "side jobs" in graphic design and her artwork. She posted this as a Facebook post--
If you don’t already know, I currently have 3 jobs; Business Coordinator for Guild Mortgage, Freelance Graphic Designer, and a Freelance Artist.
They all add up to the perfect mix and I absolutely LOVE all of my jobs!
I just want to talk a little about my art...
I love being able to be a part of people’s thoughtful gifts for their loved ones. Each time I finish a piece I always take a moment to look it over and just take it’s someone’s family, someone’s wife, husband and children.. it’s someone’s home and safe haven.
I find such joy in creating and even more when I am able to create something for someone else.

Thank you to all who have let me paint your families and homes! ☺️ If you or know of someone who might be interested in having their own custom Family/home Portrait - message me for details! With Mother's Day next month, she's been pretty busy, but seems to stay on top of things. Both her and Jason have found balance with work and play. The Blue Angels flew out of Hill Air Force Base at the end of the month to honor all of the medical workers, the frontline heros, for a show of support, to give hope to all, and to thank the community for their support during our Stay Home time for the pandemic. The state opened up to groups of no more than 20 and it gave reason to celebrate. These jets made a flight path that covered most of Utah, from St. George to Logan, so all could see. It was pretty fast, but pretty cool too.
To wrap up the month I want to share what Garrett shared on Facebook about how our country is doing and what we've been through with the pandemic so far. It makes me grateful to live in a history making era, and with the fly by, proud to be an American-- Posting so it’s in my memories in the next few years.....we are living history😢
Today is Tuesday, April 28, 2020 

- We are (at average) at 42 days of social isolation. In the US alone, there are just under 1 million confirmed covid19 cases with 55,000+ deaths as of this morning.

- Schools have been closed since March 17th and are teaching remotely on-line. Schools will not reopen for the 2019-2020 school year.

- Only “essential” retail stores are open such as grocery stores, hardware stores, and pharmacies. Amazon delivery windows average 3 - 4 weeks when they used to be max. 2 days. No gyms are open, and it’s almost impossible to find weights, exercise equipment, bikes, etc.

- All extra  curricular/ volunteer/business  meeting and other gatherings are now on virtual meeting platforms i.e.(Zoom, House Party,  Go to Meeting, Whatsap, Webex, Google Duo) the list goes on. Hang in there, life will continue and eventually, all together, we will get to a new normal!

- There are lines / tape inside the stores on the floors to keep people 6 feet apart.

- Bars and restaurants are open only for takeout, home delivery & drive through.

- Playgrounds and sports fields are closed. Most beaches, parks and cemeteries are closed to the public. No visitors are allowed in hospitals.

- All major and minor league sports competitions have been canceled as well as kids' sports. The NFL draft was done virtually this week. It was special.

-American Idol was done virtually this week.

- All festivals and entertainment events have been banned.

- Weddings, family celebrations, and graduations have been canceled. Funerals limited to 10 people graveside.

- People are doing drive-by parades to celebrate birthdays.

- Young kids can’t understand why they can only see grandparents & other extended family and friends on a screen or thru a window if someone visits in person or on Facetime online.

-Visitors are prohibited at nursing homes and assisted living residences.

- Hugs and kisses are not exchanged.

- Places of worship are closed or online.

- We have to stay away from each other more than six feet.

- Shortage of disposable masks and gloves in hospitals.

- People are wearing masks, some places REQUIRE that you wear them to enter! People are even sewing their own cloth masks for sale or donation to medical facilities. Illinois announced that as of May 1st, face coverings are required in public over the age of 2 where social distancing cannot be maintained.

- Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, bleach, antibacterial wipes and anything Lysol or Clorox is in short supply and limited per person.... IF you can even find them! (This goes the same for flour and yeast).

- Stores are closing early to disinfect everything. (24 hour stores are even closing by 6,8 or 9pm)

- Store check outs, pharmacies and even fast food drive thru windows have added plexiglass between the employee and the customer. Have to reach around or under to pay!

- You can't find isopropyl alcohol easily. .. the supply per person is limited.

- Australia, USA, Canada and Europe have closed their borders.

- Western Australia has been divided into 9 territories & an instant $1,500 fine issued for crossing the border without a valid reason. (Transport workers, Essential services etc)

- No one is traveling for leisure. Airports empty. Tourism has the worst crisis in history.

- Wi-Fi and cell phone providers have extended their limits to provide connection to the Internet for people to continue to work from home and for students to learn from their teachers.

- Many public pool access, concerts and summer activities will not be allowed/take place.

- We don't know if baseball seasons will start, hockey season will continue/end or any summer camps, etc. will run. Lots of teen/college summer jobs are up in the air.

-Colleges have not made definite decisions about whether to take their classes online, in person, or open at all for the fall.

-K-12 has ended their school year and plans to open for the fall have so many unknowns, social distancing, new guidelines for keeping everyone safe. How will it be scheduled? Can sports and activities continue as they have?

- Society appears to be divided about whether or not we should continue to isolate or open back up and get the economy going. It's an election year and politics are messy and complicating this issue.

Why do I post this?

Next year & then every year after, this status will appear in my Facebook memories feed. And it will be an annual reminder that life is precious & that nothing should be taken for granted. We are where we are with what we have. Let's be grateful.

This text is not mine, but I copied it because I want to remember it, too.

May we all remember what we've learned, endured, and how we've grown during this month of April Asylum.

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